
Joyful Parenting is a project of Emeline and Ruth’s, to build the community and infrastructure we need to thrive in our social and civic lives, while being parents. We’ll be posting updates as we build out more kid-friendly spaces, events, and San Francisco-specific tips.

Émeline Brulé

Émeline is a Human-Computer Interaction researcher, a Wikipedian & and finds herself a community organizer. She cycles out and about with baby Orion and hangs out on Instagram and Twitter.

Ruth Grace Wong

Ruth is a software engineer by day and policy & manufacturing nerd at night. She lives in the Mission with her husband, 2 boys, and a girl due July 2023. You can find her on Twitter.

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Making parenting the joyful experience it ought to be - in San Francisco


site reliability engineer by day, policy & manufacturing nerd at night.
Designer, academic, mother, machine knitter