Launching our swim map!!
It's hard to do a side project as a working parent but we've finally done it! Check out our interactive map of SF Family Swim Hours at
The interactive map of SF Family Swim Hours is now live at !
Our post about swimming is our second most popular post ever, but after half a year we were unable to keep up with updating our aggregated schedule on the bottom of that page. After scraping together some evenings and weekend hours we finally have our own automatically updated map!! Now when the kids want to swim, I just go here and see what pool near us is open. Even better — since our original post, SF Rec & Park has made it so that there is swim available every day of the week!
Just select a day of the week (for example “Tuesday”) and the map will show what hours the different pools are open for Family Swim or Parent Child Swim.
It uses the secret Rec & Park Activities API and our friends at SF Kids Swim have been helping us coordinate with SF Rec & Park to fix discrepancies we notice with the API data. We recommend joining their mailing list if you care about the city’s public pools!
And if you'd like more tips on the warmest pools etc check out our previous post! Our list of upcoming community events below the fold.
Community events
All of our regular events are posted on our Meetup!
Community roller skating every Monday (except for school holidays and rain) at Hayes Valley Playground 3-6pm. Skates available to borrow for free from toddler size 8 on up!
Kids+Parents Design Club at Sequoia Fabrica, the local kid-friendly makerspace in Potrero Hill every Wednesday 4:30-5:30pm ($15)
Parent circle at The Commons kid-friendly coworking & event space. (Parents pool $20 each for high school students to babysit while we chat)
Special events
Pajama storytime at Glen Park Library Wednesday December 4 7-7.30pm
Holiday Tree Lighting in Golden Gate Park. Thursday December 5th 4-8pm
Finger paint wrapping paper at Glen Park Library. Saturday December 7th 10:30am-12:30pm
Saturday morning playtime at the Potrero library. Saturday December 7th, 11am-1pm
The Ohlone Sisters at Glen Park Library. Saturday December 7th 11am-noon - The Ohlone Sisters are tribal members of the Costanoan Rumsen Carmel tribe and will share songs, storytelling, regalia, language, and special relationships from Ohlone culture.
The Hayes Valley & Lower Haight Community Giveaway. Sunday December 8th 1-4pm at 733 Laguna St - The local Buy Nothing community is coming together for another joyful sidewalk event where our treasures find new homes. There's usually lots of kids stuff here! You can bring things to give away as well, but you must take any unadopted items back home.
Lighted boat parade on the Marina! Friday December 13th 4-8pm. - Family fun and celebration for the Marina's 100th anniversary!
Cargo bike Santa and mini train rides on the Great Highway on Saturday December 14 10am-1pm
Birding for families. 10am-noon. January 11th at Herons Head Park, February 8th at Blue Heron Lake, and March 8th at Crissy Field. - Volunteers lead birding walks for kids age 4-12 with parental supervision. Field journals provided and binoculars loaned. Bring pencil, water, snacks!
Wikipedia day. Saturday January 18th 10:30am-12:30pm. - Learn to get started editing Wikipedia at Sequoia Fabrica, the kid-friendly makerspace in Potrero Hill!
Holiday activities
Visit the Gingerbread House at Fairmont hotel.
Take the Holiday Train down the peninsula (thank you Caltrain!)
Nutcracker Sweets. Weekend showings at Fort Mason - 50 minute dance rendition of the Nutcracker for families with small children